Thursday, January 12, 2006

Arrested Development

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted my very own blog, atleast since the tender age of 19. Ofcourse, in my 22 years of existence, I've wanted alot of things: I wanted to be a Diva for one.

Oh, and not just any diva: a larger-than-life, Wonderwoman meets Cher meets meets the 3 (original) Charlie's Angels put together. and yes I do realize that Farah Fawcett is not a true Diva, defined as one with "thoroughly captivating and commanding stage presence". but back in the 80's when I was growing up, we didn't have Googgle dictionary to answer our every philosophical whim.

In any case, my mother never tires of telling the story of how when 2 year-old Louly said his first words, they weren't "babba" or "mamma", they were the lyrics from one of Dalida's songs. Ofcourse in baby talk it amounted to sweet mummblings, but it was the start of a great career....that ended ubruptly at age 11 when I no longer could reach characteristically high notes and got kicked out of school choir (hitting puberty can be rough). In any case, keeping a blog seems like the next best thing to reach the heights of fame!

Here's the song that started it all @ age 2:

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